Click and hold down the mouse button here to display additional element commands. Drag to select a command.
Change button
Click here to change the current selection to the selected element.
Wrap button
Click here to insert a new element of the selected type into the active document and put the current selection inside the new element.
Insert button
Click here to insert a new element of the selected type into the active document.
Element Catalog
Lists elements appropriate for the current location in the active document. Click to select an element, and then click one of the command buttons to apply the element to the active document.
Delete button
Click here to remove paragraph formats.
Paragraph Catalog
Lists the paragraph formats in the active document. To assign a paragraph format to the current text, click a format name.
Delete button
Click here to remove character formats.
Character Catalog
Lists the character formats in the active document. To assign a character format to the current text, click a format name.